In A Free Market Economy We Would Know Everyone's Salary
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2019-07-07 23:58:56 UTC
In a free market economy we would know everyone's salary.

Like here at transparent California.com: http://www.transparentcalifornia.com
This only shows employees for the State of California.
We need to know salaries for everybody for it to be Free Market Capitalism.

We have been experiencing Crypto-Capitalism.

Free Market Capitalism depends upon transparency.

You need to know where the money is. We are consumers as employees. It's like

Everyone had to shop before they got the job they're at. Not caring about the
wage by the hour, is like not caring about the price of a T.V. or other product
you're buying, and just taking any T.V. you want, and just getting any bill later.

You need to know if that Restaurant on the corner is going under or making a profit.
Business secrets regarding profits aren't an asset that ought to be protected.

The whole argument for the Free Market Economy is to enrich everyone as a whole.

You can't order anything at a restaurant from a menu without prices, nor shop at a
supermarket without prices, that will bill you in a month.

You need to be able to know what everybody's earning, and what the promotion
potential is, or if it's a dead end job, at $30,000 or $300,000.

For compass bearing points, use numbers 1.25, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.5, 10
as follows:

Minimum Wage (Metropolitan)$30,000
Lower Lower Middle Upper Upper
Lower Class $40,000 $50,000 $60,000 $75,000 $100,000
Middle Class $125,000 $150,000 $200,000 $250,000 $300,000
Upper Class - Jackpot $400,000 $500,000 $600,000 $750,000 $1,000,000
Super-Upper Class
- Super Jackpot $1,250,000 $1,500,000 $2,000,000 $2,500,000 $3,000,000
Blood Money Class 1 $4,000,000 $5,000,000 $6,000,000 $7,500,000 $10,000,000
Blood Money Class 2 $12,500,000 $15,000,000 $20,000,000 $25,000,000 $30,000,000
Blood Money Class 3 $40,000,000 $50,000,000 $60,000,000 $75,000,000 $100,000,000
Blood Money Class 4 $125,000,000 $150,000,000 $200,000,000 $250,000,000 $300,000,000
Blood Money Class 5 $400,000,000 $500,000,000 $600,000,000 $750,000,000 $1,000,000,000
Blood Money Class 6 $1,250,000,000 $1,500,000,000 $2,000,000,000 $2,500,000,000

2016 IRS data:
Total Full Time Workers: 112,993,536
number making over $50,000: 58,957,833 52%
number making over $75,000: 38,733,404 34%
number making over $100,000: 25,758,613 23%
number making over $200,000: 6,900,372 6%
number making over $500,000: 1,317,820 1.17%
number making over $1,000,000: 424,442 0.38%
number making over $1,500,000: 231,593 0.20%
number making over $2,000,000: 153,810 0.14%
number making over $5,000,000: 42,714 0.04%
number making over $10,000,000: 16,087 0.01%

Total College Degrees in U.S.: 60,000,000
Total Graduate Degrees in U.S.: 15,000,000
Percent of Americans deserving a college and graduate school education: 100%

Total unplanned children born per year U.S: 1,500,000
Total Immigration per year U.S.: 1,000,000
Total population growth per year U.S.: 2,500,000

Total Deaths per year U.S.: 2,500,000
Total Planned births per year U.S.: 2,500,000

Total Abortions per year U.S. 1994: 1,400,000
Total Abortions per year U.S. 2018: 700,000
Aprox. 1,000,000 either way, but shows anti-abortion is winning in the face of
overpopulation growth.

Number of fetuses with brains in first trimester: 0
Number of fetuses with ghosts in first trimester: probably 0
Number of babies actually conceived before end of first trimester: probably 0
Percent of fetuses immoral to not abort in the first trimester if you don't want a
baby: probably 100%
The taxpayers should make sure to pay for abortions for everyone in the first
trimester. How can we live on this earth without population planning? Did I say
population control?, No, I said population planning. Babies born addicted to
crack, opiate dependent babies, fathers in prison, mothers unwed teens, all
costing hundreds of thousands of dollars in capital to provide for each, or employ.

Number of fetuses in 2nd trimester which are actually babies: 50%-100%
Number of moral people who will go with your plan to abort in the 2nd trimester as
a notion that you are merely disposing of a fetus, and not actually (if
rightfully*) separating your body from a living human baby who will die: 0
Percent of abortions committed in first trimester anyway: _90%_

Use two types of birth control or you will get pregnant. Men use condoms and
pull-out, women use condoms and sponge or diaphragm or hormonal or rhythm (you
could use any working two, but condoms protect against STDs, find some thin ones).

*what if you could pull the baby out of you, and it would live for 3 hours before
dying, and anyone could attach it up to themselves. This point wouldn't matter if
you would just abort in the first 3 months before it was a baby. Yet what if it
was a living adult, who you could pull yourself off of and they would live for 3
hours before dying, and anyone could attach them up to themselves for months or
years or forever to save them? Again, it wouldn't matter if everyone would just
abort in the first three months.

So if you have a right to separate your body from somebody, then abortion in the
last two trimesters maybe becomes more like not saving somebody, than killing
somebody. And in which case, you could separate your body up to possibly the day
of birth, if yet by cesarean and certainly not partial birth abortion.

So abort within the first 14 weeks. 1 months = 4.333 weeks. Normal gestation is
9 months, 1 week. There's probably no baby until the last 5 months, which gives
us a month buffer, conservatism, to be safe, so the baby has a full 6 months.

Practice population planning.

Reveal everyone's salary and establish the transparency of free market capitalism
in place of crypto-capitalism.
Colonel Edmund J. Burke
2019-07-08 15:23:17 UTC
This is way to long, Tomato Picker.

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